Blueys Beach subdivision approved near Forster by MidCoast Council



A 70-lot subdivision at the exclusive coastal village of Blueys Beach, about 20km south of Forster, on the Mid-North Coast will go ahead.

Addenbrooke managing director Ned O’Neil addressed MidCoast Councillors about the project prior to their vote on Wednesday.

The 70 lots will include 64 residential and one commercial lot; along with three drainage lots, a conservation block and a park.

The commercial lot will include 34 carparking spaces.

The proposal now has average lot sizes of more than 700sqm with scope for solar passive houses to be built.

The 34.9ha site stretches from the village centre down along the slim urban fringe of Blueys Beach and to the west is state-owned conservation area.


Merchant House - Topping out ceremony